Max has been studying the martial arts for 17 years and to date holds black belt qualifications in several different systems. He currently runs Fractal Fighting Arts and runs classes for advanced practitioners in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Various systems of Silat (primarily of West Javanese origin) form the basis for the FFA syllabus, however, material from other systems such as Jujitsu and Kali also feature heavily.
Max and his "associates" will be running seminars across the UK on or around World Fighting For Lives Weekend, 2011 - some of which will be open to the public and some of which will be by invitation only. Please feel free to contact Max for further details at: info@fractalfightingarts.com and feel free to visit the FFA website at: www.fractalfightingarts.com where there are also links to various videos including some of the most basic syllabus material, hosted at: http://www.youtube.com/user/FractalFightingArts
Website: www.fractalfightingarts.com and http://www.youtube.com/user/FractalFightingArts